New Podcast Player and Podcatcher

Podcasting had its hype at the beginning of the development of the social web. Today it has become an everyday tool to fetch multimedia feeds of any kind like music or video updates without being mentioned by name, which gives reason for a little explanation. Newsfeeds mostly are provided by blogs to retrieve updates. Podcasts are newsfeeds enriched with multimedia files. To read aka listen or watch to this multimedia content one needs a feedreader being able to do so or a so called podcatcher, a feedreader especially dedicated to podcasts.

And after rather a long time now Pocket Casts has launched its app on the web, which formerly has been available for smartphones only. Here is the web version of Pocket Casts:

What’s so exciting about this and why this explanation? Quite simply the opportunity to access content by subscription and to get updated content automaticly has been a great quasi historical step. Formerly one needs to visit websites or subscribe to newsletters. But at this point another aspect is of particular interest. With media tools like this being available creatives like musicians or video makers are enabled to provide content like it happened e.g. to iTunes. Beside the technic aspects of delivery marketing opportunities arise and even opportunities to earn money by advertising. Such specialized advertising services have already existed and maybe these come up again and provide options to finance great content.

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