Podcasting in Realtime

The realtime web is one of the hottest trends on the internet. Opposite to this the newsfeed format used for podcasts usually works with a delay. There are several up to date initiatives to prepare feeds to reach the speed of the realtime web (s.a. Realtime Blogging) and some providers of blogging software like WordPress have already updated their software to enable the distribution of news in realtime. But not every podcaster is using such software.

A post by PodcastingNews.com reports about a method to prepare podcast feeds for the distribution in realtime. According to the source code of the example feed named within the article the realtime service of rsscloud.org is used for this. Below is the article by PodcastingNews.com, which includes the feed example.

Do RSS Clouds Matter For Podcasting?

Similar services are available at podcasting.

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