Innovative Markets on Digital Music and DJing

At this post here come two innovative services, which both are online music marketplaces. Both are innovative and dedicated to digital media, but do serve different needs.

The first one is ReDigi, a marketplace to buy and sell used aka unwanted digital music. The service itself argues with possible shortage of storage and by this it comes along with a cloud hosting feature to let people use the service as media center to store their stuff. The stuff traded on the platform are digital music files locked with some kind of digital rights management system. To do so ReDigi provides a system to inform which music aka music files are eligible to be traded. Furthermore the system includes a bonus system e.g. rewarding purchases done at iTunes via the ReDigi system. To get further information read the about page and visit ReDigi.

Completely different clients are served by PulseLocker. It is a marketplace dedicated to the dj scene providing a platform to choose music for professional purposes. The idea is to let dj’s listen to and choose music without the need to buy it. PulseLocker is providing the infrastructure including a catalog, music player and djing software to let dj’s prelistening to and play with music. Just in the case of music being favored the purchase of the music is necessary. Currently the service is in private beta and participating needs an invitation. To get further information or apply to use the service visit PulseLocker.

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