Music Community and Business Network

Muzicol launched to give another boost to the music business online by its modern community network enabling fans and musicians to interact and to let professionals find new contacts.

The service embraces mostly all features available today by social and business networking. At first it is a community enabling all participants both fans and professionals to either find new music and to share it or to get in contact to boost the own music career. This includes even crowd funding to finance music projects and to let fans participate in business. Labels and locations are invited to participate as well, which on one side means being able to manage multiple accounts and on the other hand to get interested acts or to live stream an event.

Musicians are served well by Muzicol. There are profiles with multimedia features to upload pictures, videos and an unlimited amount of tracks. The same happens to locations by being able to promote an event and to sell tickets. To learn more visit Muzicol.

TRAEXS Directory Links: Music BusinessMusic Promotion

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