Live Music Events, Recordings and Crowd Funding

Really a nice music service with great features is provided by Livamp. At its homepage the service shows live concert recordings of upcoming artists and new talents for free. The idea of the service is to match musicians with event locations, which as well is free to both sides.

So Livamp is creating a real win win situation to the participants. The artists find venues to play their music to an interested audience and the locations are able to introduce new music talents. Furthermore both get free promotion by the showcase of the recordings within the website.

Last but not least the music industry is involved. To that part Livamp is introducing itself as a music or better talent discovery service. At this point financial issues happen. The music business is able to invest in new talents. To get further information or to view some nice live shows visit Livamp.

TRAEXS Directory Links: Live Music Events and WebcastsMusic Business

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