Musicians and labels in the new economy

When it comes to musicians and their relationship to labels, the New Economy is not outdated. The Music Industry Blog describes the relationship between musicians and labels as constantly changing. This not only affects the technology used, but also the changed meanings of market participants.

That cannot be summed up in a nutshell, as we know, a completely new environment with countless tools has emerged. In the past, musicians were dependent on labels, but today they can easily publish themselves. Countless tools are available for production and post-production, and the same applies to marketing.

Musicians do not need labels, they can easily found them and if a relationship is entered into with a label, then the relationship is often no longer permanent. From an extreme point of view, the benefit of the labels lies in the initial promotion, they say in the article below. Once musicians are known, they can easily market themselves.

There is more in the following article, which also includes an interesting graphic with the different market participants: Labels are going to become more like VCs than they probably want to be.

Live Music Events, Recordings and Crowd Funding

Really a nice music service with great features is provided by Livamp. At its homepage the service shows live concert recordings of upcoming artists and new talents for free. The idea of the service is to match musicians with event locations, which as well is free to both sides.

So Livamp is creating a real win win situation to the participants. The artists find venues to play their music to an interested audience and the locations are able to introduce new music talents. Furthermore both get free promotion by the showcase of the recordings within the website.

Last but not least the music industry is involved. To that part Livamp is introducing itself as a music or better talent discovery service. At this point financial issues happen. The music business is able to invest in new talents. To get further information or to view some nice live shows visit Livamp.

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Music Community and Business Network

Muzicol launched to give another boost to the music business online by its modern community network enabling fans and musicians to interact and to let professionals find new contacts.

The service embraces mostly all features available today by social and business networking. At first it is a community enabling all participants both fans and professionals to either find new music and to share it or to get in contact to boost the own music career. This includes even crowd funding to finance music projects and to let fans participate in business. Labels and locations are invited to participate as well, which on one side means being able to manage multiple accounts and on the other hand to get interested acts or to live stream an event.

Musicians are served well by Muzicol. There are profiles with multimedia features to upload pictures, videos and an unlimited amount of tracks. The same happens to locations by being able to promote an event and to sell tickets. To learn more visit Muzicol.

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Song Reviews by the Crowd

The crowd matters. Just the former post reported about a new breed of crowd funding to finance concerts. This is followed by crowd sourcing to get reviews for music pieces.

The both services Audiokite and SoundOut are providing services to get ratings of songs and music tracks. The music pieces are introduced to a larger audience to give feedback to musicians. The background are real market research methods, which lead to valid reports. Even radio shows are used to get the feedback. Both services have a comprehensive service offer, which is described at the homepages of Audiokite and SoundOut.

TRAEXS Directory Links: Music BusinessMusic Promotion

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