Mobile App Creator with Soundcloud Integration

Who uploads music files to Soundcloud and aims to be available on the mobile internet should try Appy Pie. Appy Pie is an app builder enabling to create mobile apps without the need of programming skills. It has an integration with Soundcloud to get the content into the app and does provide a comfortable service at all by being compatible to all common mobile app platforms. The service is available in a free and various premium versions to be distinguished by prices and features. To learn more visit Appy Pie.

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Event Promotion by Music Player

To market your music event stereoposter is providing a great and sharable music player. The site, which obviously points to the social network Pinterest, is providing the music player and enables to enrich the player with information about an event and a feature to sell tickets. At all it is a nice idea to provide some examples of the art and giving a feature to those who like it to jump in immediately. Of course the player is sharable and by this describing it as a pin probably wouldn’t be wrong. To get further information visit stereoposter.

TRAEXS Directory Links: Music BusinessMusic Promotion

Online Radio with and for Newcomers and Unsigned Artists

In short amazing is the header of the business site AmazingMusic bringing in combination with the music portal AmazingTunes an online radio with and for newcomers and unsigned artists.

The result of the whole bundle is an online radio playing new music with the special feature of being moderated, which is something rather new in the online music world. Musicians are able to upload their music and being introduced and played in the radio stream. Furthermore the service generates charts and assorts the uploaded music by genres playable seperately. Additionally listeners are able to create personalized playlists.

The idea is fun and the music is as well, especially if you are like me just listening online and listen to radio rarely. It is a real online radio or radio experience online. To get further information for musicians visit AmazingMusic and to listen to music AmazingTunes is recommended.

TRAEXS Directory Links: Online RadiosOnline Radio SearchMusic Promotion

Online Label with Crowd Funding

The term crowd funding label is used by sonicangel to describe its service. It is a mixture of netlabel and crowd funding for music projects and musicians. The members of the site may support their favorites by various activities and especially by buying fanshares. By doing so fans may be invited to tours, get new releases for free and in the case of fanshares may even get a share of the revenues generated by a release. The part of a label is represented by a record contract given to the most succesful musician or musicians. For more visit sonicangel.

TRAEXS Directory Links: Music BusinessMusic Promotion

Online Platform to promote Music in Digital Radio

The online platform iPluggers connects musicians and labels with digital radio stations worldwide for the purpose of music promotion. To do so a matching happens between registered musicians and labels on one side and radio stations on the other side. On the side of the musicians and labels an approval process is required and after passing through one may upload tracks tagged by genres against a fee. Radio stations do tag genres as well and may choose the music they want to play. For further information view the video below and visit iPluggers.

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TRAEXS Directory Links: Music Promotion

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