Traex seeks Crowd Funding Support

Traex, the podcasting site associated with Traexs (the podcast feeds are available via this site as well), seeks support for its crowd funding campaign to produce a cd.

One may wonder why a podcasting site produces a cd. Revenues of this crowd funding campaign will suppport the whole podcasting project. Who reads this blog regularly knows that there are many articles about monetization and that the whole music industry is still thinking about new business models. Whereas a lot of the revenue today is generated at streaming services, a large part still results by selling of cd’s.

So the idea of the project is both profane and pragmatic, but of course it is intented to make something great. And the idea to produce a real music cd is fascinating and a lot of fun. Furthermore the step is part of a concept to enhance the services of the podcasting site to become an online label. There exist already first online releases.

But making money by online releases and publishing these on streaming services does not necessarily mean to generate enough revenues, which especially relates to small music services. This gives reason to ask you to support the crowd funding campaign. By this you not just support the production of the first cd but as well the whole project including podcasting and even the Traexs blog and directory.

The campaign happens on the crowd funding site Startnext (another more general compaign is accessible via the Traex homepage). There are a couple of fine rewards including the cd itself, digital downloads of compilations of some of the best tracks introduced at the podcasts and sponsoring offers. Here is the link to access the crowd funding campaign to support the production of the 1. CD by Traex.

TRAEXS Directory Links: PodcastingMusic Business

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